You know The Byrds song about time for this and that and turn, turn, turn? I was at mass in high school my senior year when they read this passage for the reading. They probably picked it because schoolwide masses were held in the gym and the acoustics were so crappy that they figured we knew the jist of the passage. I thought I understood the jist until my good friend Logan Dick, who was worshipping next to me, turned and said, "There's a time for hate? When's that?" I stared at the floor for what felt like 10 minutes and the next thing I knew I could not stop laughing. I mean, I sat there through the rest of the service trying not to get caught crying. I don't know why I laughed. It was a legitimate question. I probably laughed because I had no idea what the answer was. I mean, yeah, it's an Old Testament so the New Testament could override the message but nowhere in the homily did Fr. Fred elaborate on the word of the bible. At least, Logan didn't hear him, I was too busy containing my enthusiam for the Church's latest contradiction. Logan was always on top of things like that.