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Logan Dick (May 24, 1983 to Mid-November 2002)
An Off Season Race

Tombstone holds a 10-K race every year. It isn't too big and it isn't too competitive, but maybe that's why it's fun. Logan went down with Dan Maher, my little brother, and myself in 2001 to run the early August race. After getting myself disqualified less than half a mile from the finish, Dan and I went to find Logan and cheer him on. We saw him coming up with less than a mile and he was running with this dude. This dude was crazy. He was like a bodybuilder; 6'3" 250lbs. and not a hair on his body. On top of which he was wearing a one-piece spandex suit that made him look like Prince Albert while he chugged along behind Logan. And, nearing the end, about every 40 meters he would just growl or yell really loud, as if really pushing it for just a moment. Well, all the yelling and spandex in the world couldn't catch the force of the L-Train. Coming down the last half mile or so Logan threw the dogs in the oven and chugged his way to victory in our 15-18 age group. After that trip, we all made plans to come back in the future, sweep their awards, and poop on their crappy town as we drove off. I guess that dream is dead too.