
Bovine In The Mountains | Bumpersticker | Basketball Videos | Comments From Those Who Knew Him.... | An Excellent Question | Boxers or Briefs? | A True Friend | How Much Would You Pay For Fruit? | A Midfall Night's Dream | An Early Summer Night's Dream | The Crash | Logan Rememberred | Celebration of 18 Years | Celebration Of A Friend's 18 Years | It Ain't A Wedding Without Logan | And They're Out! | Logan Is Running | Freshman Year Track Memories | Studies Of Humanities After Lunch | An Off Season Race | The Birth Of The L-Train | The Train's Ride To The Top
Logan Dick (May 24, 1983 to Mid-November 2002)
Boxers or Briefs?

I hope these don't show up when they find his body, but Logan had the oddest pair of underwear I have ever seen. I'm not talking underwear like undergarmet; I'm talking underwear like undies. When we were in our sophmore XC season, I had forgotten to bring supportwear to the meet in San Diego. Logan offered to loan me a pair of these..things, for the race. I can't explain them because I had never seen anything like them before, nor have I since. They were like, regular tighty-whities but they had legs. Not like boxer briefs. They were shorter. Like they were regular sized briefs over a pair of supersmall boxerbriefs. Oh man, just thinking about those things totally freaks me out. If you're wondering about the race; well, lets just say air conditioning was cheap that day.